
资料:According to our research, Best Buy in China was perceived as being too expensive, with many of t

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资料:According to our research, Best Buy in China was perceived as being too expensive, with many of their products priced higher than in local markets. Why buy a Sony DVD player or Nokia phone at Best Buy when you can pay less for the exact same product at a local store?Consumers will only be willing to pay more, like at the Apple stores, if they are buying something they cannot get elsewhere.While scales of economy have allowed big China stores in America to offer cheaper prices than niche players, local retailers in China are able to undercut prices because they pay less in salaries, benefits, rent, and electricity. Rampant piracy in China also means local computers shops are willing to install counterfeit Microsoft software in products, which makes it more appealing for customers.Apart from failing to differentiate its product lines, Best Buy also made the mistake of focusing on building large flagship stores, like in the U.S, rather than smaller, conveniently located retail outlets. China may have one of the highest car adoption rates in the world, but its perennial traffic congestions and lack of parking mean consumers often prefer to shop closer to their homes. A government ban on free shopping bags have also resulted in consumers shopping more often, but buying less each time, further fueling the popularity of neighborhood stores.What Western retailers can do to stay competitive?
A:Localize their product selection.
B:Better understand the evolving Chinese consumer preferences.
C:Be aware of the importance of location choice.
D:All above.




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