
资料:Business,academic and civic leaders in Cambridge have warned that one of Britain’s major economic

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资料:Business,academic and civic leaders in Cambridge have warned that one of Britain’s major economic growth cities is under threat unless the government acts quickly to restore trust post-Brexit.Company executives and educationists report some highly skilled foreign nationals quitting or refusing to commit to new jobs in Britain because of uncertainty over their future legal status here.It has in the past boasted of creating employment faster than China,amid a boom in the technology and bioscience sectors,which led to the city being labelled”Sillicon fen”,but now there are fears of a big slowdown.“This is a unique economic asset for Europe,”said Lord Lansley,the former Conservation MP for South Cambridgeshire, after a specially convened meeting to discuss the problems with local politicians and others.”There is a [ political]vacuum out there and there does not seem to be a [ post Brexit] plan.There are things we need and if we get them we can continue to prosper and be more successful”,Lansley added.He has drawn up a Cambridge declaration with his colleagues meant to reassure existing academic and business staff from abroad that their presence will be protected .”We are committed to international collaboration in research,science and the exploitation of innovative,knowledge-intensive enterprises,”says the document.Lansley says he will be pushing the British government to give acquired rights to the 9,000 European citizens living in the East Anglian city out of a total population of 124,000.He also wants to see a continuation of free labour movement to allow Europeans to come to work and study in Cambridge and says”We need free movement for them to come to work and to study here.”Why do these skilled foreign nationals choose not to work in Britain?
A:Because of the uncertainty
B:Because the economic slowdown after Britian leaving the EU
C:Because the increasing,difficulty of finding of finding a job in Britain
D:Because they may lose legal status after Brexit




综合知识     Cambridge     academic     Business     Britain     leaders    


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